Friday, April 8, 2016

Say X to Violence

By: nRy

My 5 years old son always reminds me whenever my favorite TV shows is running.

"Papi, that is your favorite," he said.

However, he never intends to watch the TV seriously together as my favorite such as Criminal Minds, CSI, or Castle often contains violence. I thought how he react is spontaneous because of blood or fighting. In this particular case, it might be correlated with afraid feeling.

Next time we took him to watch 'A Good Dinosaur' (AGD) for the second time movie experience. Do not ask for the first experience, it was sooo "great" (read: disaster). His reaction for AGD was cool and amazed. He showed his really good emotion, intention, and curiosity. My son jumped from his seat when the cock shocking Arlo. Even, he could feel the tension when Arlo's father was dragged by flood. The most beautiful thing was his eyes were glazed when Arlo must say goodbye to Spot. Lesson learned, everybody happy.

By the time he never failed to amaze me. While we sit in living room or some places to eat, sometime the TV showing soap opera. Every time the male or female actor began to shout, my son will appoint to the TV screen, close his ears, and tell me to change the channel. I asked why, he said that he did not like it.

"It is mean," he answered shortly.

Not long ago, we watched trending topic movie nowadays. Before I took him watching Batvan Vs Superman, he forced me to buy the suit. Well, his Mom and me thought it would be good idea to take him to watch the movie. His reaction for the movie was purely innocent.

"Do you like the movie?" I asked him after it finished.
"I do not like the beginning part. It is too evil, too many blood. But the last part when Batman fought Superman, Wonder Woman come and fighting the Monster (Doomsday), it was exciting!" he replied.

He is intense playing RPG tactics game on his gadget for a quite long time. From what we saw, his brain absorbs mathematics faster than reading Bahasa.

The spirit of 5 years old SuperBatMan has taught me the simplicity to Say X (NO) to violence. Therefore, please spread love for the better world.

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